Raikin Ryujin
The Primal
Basic Info
Full Name: Raikin Ryujin
Sex: Male
Age: 25 by the end events of Endwalker
Nameday: 31st Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Languages: He has been around the world and has learned every language
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Hobbies: Training, Aetheric studies, Fishing, and Adventuring
Classes: In progress of mastering each one
He is a cross-bred Au'Ra who mostly takes from his Mother's side, who is a Raen. Although being a cross-breed, he was born with genetic defect which gave him a second set of horns which match similarly to his Father's. His father being the XaelaEyes: Glowing White
Limbal Rings: Glowing blood red
Height: 7"1
Weight: 186 lbs
Hair color: Black with white tips
Stature: Strong and Proud
Musculature: Well Built and Muscular
Facial Features: Red Markings that tend to glow with strong emotion or when using his power. He also has sharp fangs instead of canines.
Beware: Story Spoilers ahead
(Please keep in mind, I will not write the full story. And only the parts that Raikin's origin changes. So it is able to be read properly, since really the story is the same as the Warrior of Lights. Just with a different power, origin, and struggle. Please enjoy!)
During the year of 1552, there were whispers of an invasion of Doma amongst the people. Thus, the parents of Kiryu (14 yrs old) chose to abandon him. Fleeing just a few months before the invasion of Doma, and settling in Kugane. A few weeks passing the chose to bear a new child, since they left their son behind. Though this union wasn't so meant to be, for the growing child was weak and frail. That is until Hydaelyn had intervened months later. She had intended to make him a Warrior of Light for some time now, but his Aether grew weaker by the day... She had to make a decision quickly, having used her Aether to save the child directly as to bolster his strength and growth. Unknowing of what she had caused, as she had unintentionally created something new. Hydaelyn had miraculously created a Primal, something she hadn't thought initially possible. Yet the growing child had taken to the Aether a little too well. Thus she had little more else she can do, but hope for the best to guide him through her whispers. Naming him as "The Primal Warrior," who shall help her save Eorzea. In the moment he was born on the Fourth Umbral Moon on the 31st Sun, he appeared normal at first glance. That was until the black set of horns were seen on top of his head, along with black markings on his face. It wasn't long until they treated him as a cursed child and abused him for years. This persisted up until his young adult years, and left its mark on him emotionally. Until one day, where he was moving heavy cargo when suddenly he tripped over a slight incline where he dropped the cargo box as it split open on one of the sides. Shining crystals filled with Aether were in said cargo, and as he clamored to fix his mistake. He held the crystal as he suddenly sapped the Aether from the crystal, his eyes of normal color suddenly bursting white with light and pain shooting through them. He would scream and close his eyes as he would flail, the marks on his face burning red and searing in pain, and the tips of his hair turning white. He opened his eyes and looked back as those in the village began to stare, in shock and fear he ran off and stowed away on a cargo ship heading for Limsa, his new home... This is where his journey began, unknowing of his Primal Nature and Origin. Thinking himself a mere man, until discovering after his battle with Ifrit he had the power to copy primals and partially transform into their shapes. He has the occasional vision of Hydaelyn through out his life telling him of his powers and their origin from herself. But it was only later in life (During Shadowbringers) did he find out his own origins from Emet-Selch, who had pointed out Zodiark and Hydaelyn being Primal's. This shook his core and made him search for himself through out the events of The First, as he would call everything about himself into question. Though, only because of the good souls around him did he learn to embrace his strengths and nature. This all continued until Endwalker, as the events all unfolded of the end... A tragic time for Raikin filled with loss and sorrow, as some incredibly close friends had fallen and some turning into beasts which he had to slay himself. (Most of the events of Endwalker unfolded the same as with the Warrior of Light story. With very few differences.) His Ascian form was never to be seen, Zodiark as his forefather when defeated spoke to him directly as he faded. Telling him he was unaware of his existence, but was glad something like him came to rid him from this plain so he may no longer be used for devious means. Thus unlocking something within Raikin's Aether before finally dissipating. As for the fight with Hydaelyn, before the battle she spoke with Raikin about her love and pride for him, despite the hardships she forced him through. Unlocking a second part in his Aether that suddenly clicked with his soul. He felt oddly completed, as he then was forced to fight with Hydaelyn. She then as she faded spoke of the real strength he had, and told him that his horns shouldn't be seen as just a defect. But a representation of where he came from, and he considered that he would honor this wish. Considering his horns as a sign of relation to Zodiark and Hydaelyn. And as for the battle with Endsinger, he had unlocked his true Primal form. Raikin Ryujin - The Primal Warrior, a nickname no longer. As he shapened himself into his own visage taking some inspiration from Shinryu's form mixed with his own. But instead of him being golden and entirely a serpent, he stood as a mix between man and dragon. A flowing cloth of clouds flowing around his neck and to his sides, his horns curling and twisting together to make a magnificent crest of white and black. His red markings grew across his body as his eyes would glow the brightest they have ever been, like crimson and white fire bursting from his eyes with the pupil turning to slits. His clothing turned into celestial silken garbs the fit tightly to his figure, though his chest and feet were still bare. And a wheel formed at his back which would look like a dragon and phoenix like design while the crystals of the Primals he had faces would encrust in the center in slots up to the number of Primals he had faced. His feet and arms were like that of a Shen-Long, with two orbs that he would stand on. His scales now being both white and black. His hair long and flowing, with the mixed colors waving in the wind. Almost looking like storm clouds with lightning in the mix. He fought with all of his might, using every skill he could muster. Every Primal attack, including his own new abilities from his own form. Matching the strength of his fellow warriors by his side, and thus putting Endsinger to peace after a long and brutal battle. Raikin couldn't stay in his form any longer from all of the Aether it had drained, and reverted back to his normal Au'Ra form.
Relationship Status: SingleBrother: Ezuno KiryuSister-in-law: Onoro KiryuBest Friend: ZethraeTeacher/Mechanic: Cagrasad
Most things will do like just striking conversation, but he has an affinity for learning and calm atmospheres. If you want him to party, then just be friendly and tag him along. As long as he feels safe, he is comfortable.He likes Training, Martial Arts, Aether Studies, Weaponry, Fishing, Research, and Relaxing. Use these topics/genres to get his attention to converse with.
All roleplay can be discussed either on the spot or ahead of time.I will not immediately accept friend requests, this is simply because I would like to get comfortable around you first.Please keep in mind I play on Playstation, and so typing on controller may take some time. Please be patient.I will do Walk up or /tell, but please do have the RP tag on. It saves for confusion, and also will remind me about putting on my on RP tag too. (I'm a bit forgetful sometimes.)If you want Raikin to be a bit nerfed, do understand he is only about as strong as the forms he uses, skill and intelligence aside. So we can discuss what forms he is allowed to use.I will not ERP, unless I actually have a relationship with said person.
A fun fact: I made this character mostly to try something new, and not be a Warrior of Light since they are kind of common. So please don't be too harsh on the concept.Another Fun Fact (Spoiler alert): I didn't know Raikin was going to end up being a Primal, it took up to where Emet Selch points out that Hydaelyn was also a Primal. Which connects Raikin and Hydaelyn on a deeper level than he originally anticipated, since she only told him about how he had the powers to copy them (originally.) during the scenes where Hydaelyn speaks to the characters directly. But it was pieced together that he was a Primal when he considered all of the facts as well. Thus leading to his true Primal form in End Walker.Final Fun Fact: His name Ryujin plays on the fact that it is his Primal name, and the the God Ryujin is the Japanese Dragon God of the Sea and Storms (Like Shinryu, thus their close relation) and is able to transform into a human and cause storms. (This is likely why he Likes Limsa Lominsa and Shirogane so much, since he likes being near the Sea) Which is why he was capable of copying other Primal's, and has a human form of his original body. Raikin was a name that was meant to be played on the Japanese word Rai (Lightning) and Kin (Related to). Meaning Lightning Kin or Kin of Lightning in meaning.
Fun Facts About RaikinFun fact #1: I made this character mostly to try something new, and not be a Warrior of Light since they are kind of common. So please don't be too harsh on the concept.Fun Fact (Spoiler alert) #2: I didn't know Raikin was going to end up being a Primal, it took up to where Emet Selch points out that Hydaelyn was also a Primal. Which connects Raikin and Hydaelyn on a deeper level than he originally anticipated, since she only told him about how he had the powers to copy them (originally.) during the scenes where Hydaelyn speaks to the characters directly. But it was pieced together that he was a Primal when he considered all of the facts as well. Thus leading to his true Primal form in End Walker.Fun Fact #3: His name Ryujin plays on the fact that it is his Primal name, and the the God Ryujin is the Japanese Dragon God of the Sea and Storms (Like Shinryu, thus their close relation) and is able to transform into a human and cause storms. (This is likely why he Likes Limsa Lominsa and Shirogane so much, since he likes being near the Sea) Which is why he was capable of copying other Primal's, and has a human form of his original body. Raikin was a name that was meant to be played on the Japanese word Rai (Lightning) and Kin (Related to). Meaning Lightning Kin or Kin of Lightning in meaning.Fun Fact #4: He has Aether sight, but rarely uses it unless having reason too. However this "sight," isn't just a form of vision but a way he feels presence. Since he is connected to Aether on a deep scale.Fun Fact #5: He has very little understanding of what a glamour prism is or what glamour is in general. Thus why when someone drastically changes he gets confused and doesn't understand who they are until he uses Aether sight.Fun Fact #6: All of his Primal forms aside Ryujin, are mostly similar to his Ryujin form but with more similarities to the Primal he is copying. Similar to how Nael Deus Darnus would look, but simply as Raikin. This also means that is he would have feathers or other like materials, they'd likely be replaced with more draconic features such as feather like scales.
G-Pose Images (Made by Onoro)